Call For Proposals For Overseas Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2024-2026)
1. Objective:
The ICON Overseas Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF), an initiative of ICON Projects Limited in Uganda as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), serves as a guiding light for aspiring researchers passionate about exploring the vast realms of social sciences, particularly sociology and social work. It acts as a catalyst for advancing knowledge in these critical fields, nurturing the talents of those who seek to understand human behaviors, societal structures, and social dynamics. This fellowship not only provides financial support but also invaluable mentorship, guiding promising scholars on a scholarly journey. By collaborating closely with experienced mentors, fellows refine their research skills, broaden their academic horizons, and cultivate the independence necessary to excel in their fields. This symbiotic relationship between mentor and fellow forms the foundation of the program, fostering an environment conducive to intellectual growth, innovation, and excellence. With each fellowship awarded, ICON Project Limited reaffirms its commitment to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in the social sciences and empowering a new generation of researchers to make impactful contributions to society.
2. Eligibility:
- Applicants must hold citizenship from developing or third-world nations and possess a valid passport.
- Applicants must hold a PhD degree from a recognized university. Those who have submitted their PhD thesis and are awaiting the degree are ineligible.
- Applicants must secure a Consent Letter from a Research Supervisor/Mentor affiliated with a recognized university, confirming supervision throughout the fellowship.
- Applicants should demonstrate a strong academic record and a keen interest in advancing research in social development.
3. Nature & Duration of Support:
- The fellowship is tenable in any country and can be implemented in any of the recognized academic institutions, national laboratories and other recognized R&D institutions. The host institution should provide necessary administrative and infrastructural support
- The fellows will not be allowed to work with the Ph.D. guide/co-guide. It is also normally not availed at the same Department / institution where the candidates have earned their PhD degree.
- The fellowship is purely a temporary assignment, and is tenable for a period of 2 years and can be extendable for a year based on the recommendation of Research Supervisor.
- The fellows will be entitled to receive the grants as given below:
Sl. No. | Budget Head | Amount |
a | Annual Maintenance Charges | $20,000 US Dollars per Annum |
b. | Contingency Charges | Rs. 1500 US Dollars per Annum |
c. | Tuition Fee | Actuals as charged |
d. | Medical Insurance Premium | Actuals as charged |
e. | Incidental Journey Allowance | 20 US Dollars for each journey |
f. | Poll Tax | Actual as charged |
g. | Air Passage | From Native Country to nearest Airport of Host University |
h. | Overhead Charges | As decided by the Host University |
- Research grant can be used for minor equipment, consumables, contingencies and travel. There is no provision for providing research personnel support under this scheme. The Fellow is expected to undertake the research objectives by himself/herself during the entire duration of the fellowship.
- The fellows are not eligible to receive any other fellowship from any Government or Non-Governmental source during the tenure of the fellowship.
- The fellows must seek the consent of ICON Projects Limited if the fellow intends to be away from the implementing institute (except for field work related to the project) continuously for a period more than eight weeks.
4. Selection & Mode of Application
- The call for applications for ICON Overseas Post-Doctoral Fellowship will be notified through the website
- The application form along with a research proposal highlighting the objectives and methodology of the research work to be undertaken should be submitted along with application.
- The applicant must identify a suitable Research Supervisor/Mentor under whom the proposed research would be carried out and provide a Consent Letter from the Mentor confirming their willingness to supervise the research. The Research Supervisor must have PhD degree and research experience.
- Selection will be made based on the recommendations of an Expert Committee appointed by the Management of ICON Projects Limited. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for either an online or in-person interview.
5. How to apply online:
- Interested applicants are required to submit their application, along with all necessary supporting documents, to ICON Projects Limited via email at: or
Documents required (in PDF) should be in prescribed format:
- CV of the Applicant
- Qualification Certificates
- Endorsement Certificate from the Research Supervisor/Mentor
- Profile and Detailed CV of Research Supervisor/Mentor
- Detailed Project Proposal
Last Date to Apply: 31st January 2025
6. Termination of the Fellowship
- If any fellow wishes to terminate the fellowship, he/she shall inform the ICON Projects Limited through the mentor and host institute immediately. The implementing institute should not incur any expenditure from the date of termination of the project or the date of resignation of follow. The institute will also arrange for submission of documents mentioned above.
- ICON Projects Limited reserves the right to terminate the Fellowship at any stage if it is convinced that appropriate progress is not being made or the grant has not been utilized properly.
7. Leave:
ICON Post-Doctoral Fellows are entitled to leave according to the regulations of the host institution. Participation in scientific workshops held in the host country or abroad will be considered as being on duty.
8. Submission of the Report:
The fellow is required to submit the final report through the proper channels. The report must be duly signed by the Research Supervisor/Mentor. Additionally, all research publications must acknowledge the funding agency.
Contact For Information
ICON Projects Limited,
Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road,
Kikoni, P.O Box 34678,
Phone: 0776398001, 07503 98000, 0758924454, 0414660704